The College is committed to actively promoting a set of values which underpin what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Britain, valuing our community and celebrating the diversity of the UK. By ensuring that our students understand and embrace these values, we recognise that we are supporting their spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development and contributing to the Prevent Duty.
British Values are:
- Democracy
- The Rule of Law
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs
We regard these values as fundamental, though not exhaustive, and seek to embed them in all aspects of college life including the following:
- the curriculum
- personal development activities
- teaching and learning
- tutorial support
- college policies
- staff development
Opportunities to promote understanding of British Values include:
• Student Association
• ‘You said/We did’
• Elected Student President and Vice-President
• Debate and discussion in lessons and tutorials
• Student views surveys
The Rule of Law
• ‘QE Expects’
• Learner Agreements
• ID for Staff and Students
• Clear guidance about what is expected in each course
Individual Liberty
• Student choice e.g. about courses at enrolment
• Becoming independent learners
• Support for wellbeing and resilience
• Individual target setting
• Guidance on consent and sexual harassment
Respect & Tolerance
• QE DARES (Diversity and Anti-racism group)
• Black History Month
• LGBTQ Group
• Culture Day